Quickly. So is the very ability, just as we when you have seen one, the ig told us when youve been to one visit, youve seen one visit. Is that the same thing toward the vba . Or is there some across the country, can you expect the same metric . If you go to a surgeon in my hometown you should be able to get the same gallbladder operation you can in another hometown from a Board Certified surgeon. Can i expect the same level of scrutiny at one Regional Office as another one i guess is what im asking . I dont think no one can answer that question because we ship files all over the place. There is no accountability. I mean, if i did a claim in south carolina, if someone developed a claim in south carolina, i send it to florida for it to be rated. If the rater cant rate it because i made a mistake in south carolina, who is responsible for fixing it . So, you know, it sounds good on paper to move things around and all this kind of stuff. But you have to fix responsibility. You have to know
Responding by saying israel reject the shameful resolution at the u. N. Adding, quote, the obama not only failed to pro secretary israel against the gang up at the u. N. But colluded with it behind the scenes. The president elect is responding by tweeting this. Quote, as to the u. N. , things will be different after january 20th. Here now with reaction is former u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. And Fox News Contributor john bolton. Thank you, ambassador bolton. Wow, big day at the u. N. So tell us, do you think that the u. N. Security council colluded with the Obama Administration to bring this vote today . I think certainly the sponsors of the resolution, the egyptians, some of the others, some of the five permanent members of the council including Great Britain obviously had to consult with the Obama Administration to tell them what was in the resolution so that it was sufficient for obama to order an abstention. The United States could have killed this resolution by voting no. It did v