By Macarena Figueroa de la Fuente
In Latin America, March 8 is seen as a day of commemoration for those who are not present anymore, a day to fight, to demand equality in the most unequal region of the world, and a day to remember that women continue to be marginalized, discriminated, excluded, and murdered.
It is the fight to decide on their bodies, to demand significant changes, and to draw attention to the demands of millions of women in the region.
In Latin America, only Cuba and Uruguay have permitted the complete interruption of pregnancies. The majority of other countries allow it only under specific circumstances such as fetal unviability, the risk of life for the mother, or in the case of rape. Some countries like El Salvador, even punish women who interrupt their pregnancies with up to 8 years imprisonment. Argentina, Mexico, and Chile have recently spoken out strongly on this topic and introduced changes in their legislations.