The following is an English translation of the "Matters which are not described in the document to be delivered to shareholders who have requested delivery of paper-based. | May 26, 2023
Vivien is introduced to Colin Jordan's wife, dedicated Nazi occultist Francoise Dior. The fascists plan a deadly attack, and the 62 Group do everything they can to stop them.
Do-Re-Meet is a series of social events for music lovers co-hosted by Princeton University Concerts and The Singles Group! Sunday, March 26, 2023 1:00-2:30 PM Speed Dating social event 3:00 PM concert featuring the Chiaroscuro String Quartet Wondering where you concert date is Haydn? Meet other classical-music-loving singles in your age group by participating in 8-minute speed dates while enjoying catered appetizers! Everyone will then head over to Richardson Auditorium to enjoy a concert from the renowned Chiaroscuro String Quartet. Age Groups: Group Do: 24-39 Group Re: 40-59 Group Mi: 60+ This event is designated for individuals seeking heterosexual connections. There will be an LGBTQ+ Single Mingle on Wednesday, April 12.