you re negotiating against somebody, the democrats, but in terms of your coalition, it s group decision-making with lots of competing interests, that s different than the kinds of negotiations he s done in the past. he ran head-long into that. trump in the art of the deal talked about one of the things it s important to know is when to walk away to let the deal die. in this case he didn t walk away sooner, should any. well i think that you know it s the do this or else that can work very well in that negotiation across the table. where you can sort of move things along very quickly. i think it was the speed with which it happened and the stakes he raised so quickly that was problematic, i think the big winners in this are going to be the freedom caucus. why? well because the bill was crafted initially more to please the middle. and the freedom caucus didn t really care, right if they obstructed it. so they had a better strategy
did he oversell himself as a negotiator? well so, i think it s really interesting. because we re seeing this so publicly play out which is actually kind of exciting for someone who is, what i do in terms of analyzing it. i think it was, i don t know if he oversold himself as a negotiator in terms of the kinds of negotiations that he did. before, but those kinds of negotiations are very different than this kind of group decision making which is a whole different type of negotiation and the skills don t necessarily transfer. i think on the public stage you know we just saw that. that maybe this skills don t transfer so well and he s got some sort of learning on the job to do. thank you so much, annie duke, we appreciate you coming on. thank you. offering your advice and expertise, when it comes to deal making. coming up, we re following a situation in las vegas, remarkably empty streets on the strip. one person is dead, one person injured. police have barricaded the suspected