Its clean here, no one is being raped here, theres no garbage, begging, who doesnt, its so quiet here that you can hear it. From the cleanliness of the metro, but also from belarus as a whole, so the video stories of a spanishspeaking blogger who visited sineoka last summer aroused unprecedented interest and showed her subscribers how our people live, now there are more than 3 million views and a huge number of positive comments. Olga davidovich, mikhail trugakov, Television News agency. Two highprofile corruption scandals have broken out in europe; although they are local, they can also have a global resonance. In belgium there are three highranking prosecutors at once. Accused of corruption, this case is notable for the fact that last year the said trio of investigators themselves were investigating the Corruption Case of the vicespeaker of the European Parliament and her associates. And in latvia, corrupt officials turned out to be the former head of the local Central Electoral Comm
Mr. Franken madam president . The presiding officer the senator from minnesota. Mr. Franken i would ask that the quorum call be vitiated. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Franken madam president , i have eight unanimous consent requests for committees to meet during todays session of the senate. They have the approval of the majority and minority leaders. I ask unanimous consent that these requests be agreed to and that these requests be printed in the record. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Frank enmr. Franken madam , im just going to come out and say it. Citizens united was one of the worst decisions in the history of the Supreme Court. It was a disaster, a radical exercise of procorporate judicial activism. It was seriously flawed, both legally and factually. Legally, the court trampled its own precedence. Cases like austin v. Michigan chamber of commerce and mcconnell v. Federal elections commission, which had been on the books for years and stood for the o
Enrolling in the program as a result. A question about the physician spending projections. You mention that your projections included the 21 i think reduction thats coming april 1st. Actually, no. Im sorry. Ill let you finish. I just wanted to clarify. Sure. The 21 reduction is in current law and thats under the Sustainable Growth rate formula. But what our projections our projections are consistent with the projected baseline scenario in the Medicare Trustees report. And in that, payment rates are expected to grow at 0 for 2015, then. 6 through the remainder of the projection period, per year, on average. These projections do not include the cut under the Sustainable Growth rate formula. In terms of the couple times it came up, the increase in highcost specially drugs and a specific mention of the hepatitis treatments that are out there. Does this analysis include any offsetting factors for someone getting cured of hepatitis and therefore not having ongoing costs in the future as a re
Must be expert riders willing to risk death the daily. Wage is 25 a week, which is a large sum of money for the time period. But of course, risking death daily comes with this type of occupation. The telegraph comes across the prairie and often times the is stretchede across the sagebrush because there were very few trees even to this day across much of the expanse of the planes. With the telegraph laid out across the prairie, annals would run through it. Native americans learned the talking wireman more white people coming down the prairie. They would use it for ornamented accessories or jewelry, etc. The story of the trails ends with the Continental Railroad bringing in mass populations very rapidly through the western United States. It also begins a new chapter with the modern highway that we now have today. I hope visitors take away from the Interpretive Center here in appreciation of the people that settled the american west. They were not large people. They were tough people with
Angry about this money and the millions that the coke brothers are spending through many different venues. If youre just tuning in or listening on cspan radio, our focus, the mid term elections less than 60 days before voters go to the polls and early voting in many parts of the country. Ac from missouri. Good morning. Go ahead. Caller ive always considered myself a democrat. Ok. Im 56 years old. And a taxpayer. From a single mans point of view, missouri ive been clearly, cleared for medicaid. But missouri being having opted having medicaid come through. Since im legally by medicaid i am not eligible for obamacare. As a u. S. Tax citizens, as single, a 56yearold man, where should i swing my vote to get the most impact . I said this time i want to know should it go to a woman, should it go to im right now, im always considered myself democrat. Ok, im at this point in my life where maybe i need to switch my way of thinking. Host thanks very u much for the call. Nathan let me turn to you