it into other areas like cyber warfare or special forces and things like that. i just think this idea that obama doesn t take this threats against the country is off base, i think he has been quite aggressive, to my chagrin. kirsten, i don t want to even fight one war at one time. but it isn t as if it s an american sort of idea that we decide what wars we fight. sometimes wars happen to the united states like in 1050. korea. we have to be prepared. nobody wants to launch ground wars, the question is if people create wars can we counter? after the break, confronting putin, is america wasting its energy? john roberts investigates next. putin, is america was aflac. aflac, aflac, afc!
but the point is, he is putting it into other areas like cyber warfare or special forces and things like that. i just think this idea that obama doesn t take this threats against the country is off base, i think he has been quite aggressive, to my chagrin. kirsten, i don t want to even fight one war at one time. but even if it is an american idea that we fight wars we want to fight, sometimes wars happen like in the 50s. korea, we have to be prepared. nobody wants to launch ground wars, the question is if people create wars can we counter? after the break, confronting after the break, confronting putin, is america was always one step ahead with an intuitive motion activated lid and seat,
two wars at one time anyway. but the point is, he is putting it into other areas like cyber warfare or special forces and things like that. i just think this idea that obama doesn t take this threats against the country is off base, i think he has been quite aggressive, to my chagrin. kirsten, i don t want to even fight one war at one time. but even if it is an american idea that we fight wars we want to fight, sometimes wars happen like in the 50s. korea, we have to be prepared. nobody wants to launch ground wars, the question is if people create wars can we counter? after the break, confronting putin, is america wasting its energy? john roberts investigates next. low prices,
two wars at one time anyway. but the point is, he is putting it into other areas like cyber warfare or special forces and things like that. i just think this idea that obama doesn t take this threats against the country is off base, i think he has been quite aggressive, to my chagrin. kirsten, i don t want to even fight one war at one time. but even if it is an american idea that we fight wars we want to fight, sometimes wars happen like in the 50s. korea, we have to be prepared. nobody wants to launch ground wars, the question is if people create wars can we counter? after the break, confronting [ intercom ] drivers, to your marks. go! [ male announcer ] it s chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot.
two wars at one time anyway. but the point is, he is putting it into other areas like cyber warfare or special forces and things like that. i just think this idea that obama doesn t take this threats against the country is off base, i think he has been quite aggressive, to my chagrin. kirsten, i don t want to even fight one war at one time. but even if it is an american idea that we fight wars we want to fight, sometimes wars happen like in the 50s. korea, we have to be prepared. nobody wants to launch ground wars, the question is if people create wars can we counter? after the break, confronting putin, is america was