Include an anchor that drives foot traffic to the district, and an anchor could be a fullservice Grocery Store or another large retailer or it could be a cluster of smaller stores, related Retail Stores or restaurants; some sort of use thats a little cluster. Other businesses in a healthy mix include restaurants, nightlife and entertainment that compliment retail sales and provide gathering spaces for potential customers and potential services and Fitness Centers that provide needed services and also help to draw foot traffic. Professional Services Provide needed services in an officelike setting directly to the general public, but even uses like office and housing that may not serve the general public help generate foot traffic and the demand for retail and ncds. So what all this means, diversifying the mixes in an ncd so that retailers can support their customer base, is it should include a range of storefront sizes, and storefronts should be designed to adaptablity, and be able to s
Neighborhood commercial district capacity to promote and market their area, to care for the public realm and to activate public space. We think that there should be some changes potentially with storefront regulations and Design Guidelines and aaron just gave a couple examples of some of the ways this those affect Small Businesses in commercial districts, particularly looking at more flexiblity in some areas is one of the implications of our study about what goes in the ground floor and reducing barriers to combining uses within a storefront, the accessory use. We didnt spend much time talking about curb management policy, but clearly, theres a lot of competing pressures on curbs, and so we need to keep in mind the Overall Health of the corridor and the needs of Small Businesses, and we would be open to working with mta and the Small Business community to think through how these pressures and major transit improvement projects taken together some lead to some changes. And then finally,
So what all this means, diversifying the mixes in an ncd so that retailers can support their customer base, is it should include a range of storefront sizes, and storefronts should be designed to adaptablity, and be able to serve a wide set of uses. It also means that the office uses that that are not open to the general public could be located off the ground floor or on the periphery of an ncd. Limiting ground floor retail requirements for new development to the strongest locations for retail could also help reduce potential vacancies. So we talks a lot weve heard a lot today about vacancies and the work that we did suggests that limiting ground floor retail requirements could help to reduce those vacancies in the future. The final conclusion for our study is around experiencetial retail and the people visiting our entities. By offering a fun dining and shopping experience, ncds can help to draw foot traffic. That means continuing to maintain and enhance the public realm is criticizin
For way toss appeal to this increased emphasis on experience by doing things like Holding Classes and events or serving food and drinks in a retail location. And on the slides here, we have a couple of examples of this in San Francisco the retailers. On the left is a store called byrd and beckett with a music event. It is a record and bookstore. And on the right is san francycle with another event where people are encourage to come from the event, but these types of veterans draw in shoppers and hopefully also to purchase. Well, so then im going to move on to the impact of these National Trends on San Francisco retail. And im going to start with the good news first. The good news is that San Francisco San Francisco has been somewhat insulated from the National Trends in retail and this sufferst buffering is in part due to our many competitive advantages in San Francisco. And these are and these advantages include the really strong economy, a local cull thursday that places high value o
Questions you might have. Thank you. Thank you very much for that overview. I know that our office work add lot on the registry issue. Given that a law was passed but we also noticed that it wasnt really updated as well. And i think as we go on into our other presentations, one of my observations now is that even if we were to have this wonderfully filled database of all the vacancis that that still might not address the issues that were dealing with in terms of the changing nature of retail. I really like the suggestions that were offered in this report. Supervisor fewer . Thank you very much. I just have one question. You mentioned that the city of chicago charges a vacancy property Registration Fee every since months if property is vai cants with higher fees charged if the property is reported by complaint rather than selfreported by the owner. Cefjs im wondering has the city of chicago spaoefrntion add decline in vacant store fronts since it has implemented higher fees and properti