This year Belarus had a record high harvest of more than 10.5 million tonnes of grain. "This is almost one and a half million more than last year," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
During the government conference Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that the relevant officials do not always promptly act upon the president's instructions. As an example he referred to his recent proposal on working out measures to make wood for housing construction cheaper.
In line with the decree individuals can directly contact forestry enterprises in order to buy timber. The decree adjusts the list of legal persons and self-employed businessmen, who can buy timber from the fund of an oblast administration while bypassing the national commodity exchange.
Aleksandr Lukashenko has repeatedly emphasized the importance of rapeseed for the development of the country's agriculture. It is a valuable oil-bearing and fodder crop, a source of high-quality vegetable oil and fodder protein.