What city . Philadelphia. What were your recollections of the Great Depression . Eating a lot of beans, we were on welfare even back then and we would eat dried beans. We did not have rarely did we have any sort of meat. Sick so heer was could not work. And there were not jobs around at the time until roosevelt started the new deal. Thats one of the big things that sticks in my mind, eating a lot of baked beans. , i had to go out into the woods and cut would to try and i purchased my own close from when i was about 11. 0 to 11 from 10 to my mother made a lot of our close through the depression era. Toerviewer what did you do make extra money . Andrew if a neighbor wanted help planting a garden, i may be made a dime or . 15 or Something Like that. Little jobs. Gentleman whoe cut and sold wood. I would help him and get a few pennies there. Clothes,ld purchase my my shoes, because my parents didnt have the money to do it. What was your dad doing before he got sick . Andrew originally he w