campaign. liz? i think this is the gristle that makes the sausage that nobodyments to watch in washington. this is business as usual and why congress ratings are lower than used car salesmen in terms of the way people view them. they need to get this bill done, whether it has earmarks or not. this looks like ridiculous earmarks to me. stay calm. they need to get this bill done. i don t think they can go back and redo this bill. white house says they re not gonna. republicans are saying they re not going to. they ve got themselves in an incredible corner here. let me tell you something, this is $900 billion, whichever way you cut it of more deficit. not an effort in this bill for deficit reduction. we have a lame duck congress that would be like the long parliament, go by the grace of god go you sat too long to do any good? this is unbelievable what s going on and all they had to do, all the republicans had to do is get up and say, we re not voting
well, the good news as this is not a real medical condition so [bleep] grow a pair and get on with your lives. feel better now? little bit. little bit. [laughter] you can stop whining forever. [applause] greg: all right. like every other week the media changes its words and overlooks the deeds. it is frustrating. they been obsessing over russian collusion but it should give away. you know what the collision story really is for the media? it s like the press and bought a roasted chicken on a sunday and by tuesday they are down to nothing but bones and gristle.