A new skate park, playground equipment, and a new pole barn could all be purchased by Port Huron City Council this evening. The long anticipated new Skatepark for Optimist Park in Port Huron will be a step closer to becoming realty. City Council is expected to spend up to $888,000 to purchase the new equipment from Gridline Skateparks, Inc. The new skatepark will be made possible due in part to grants from the Tony Hawk Foundation and Ralph C. Wilson Junior Foundation. A bid for $346,000 form Martin Construction for the construction a new pole barn at the north end DPW service center could be approved this evening. It would be used by the parks, forestry, and cemetery divisions and would be purchased using general fund dollars. Council is also expected to accept a bid from Penchura LLC for $86,000 for the installation of new playground equipment at Palmer Park using American Rescue Plan Funds. Port Huron City Council meets at 7pm tonight at the Municipal Office Center.