on the helicopter. drugs and drinking and other and he sat right in that chair. things affecting kids. i told him, john, you have too she has often been the one to many people, you re not getting talk at vaping. along with people and a lot of we do not talk about children of the first couple off, but us disagree with some of your considering the fact that barron tactics and some of your ideas. i wish you well but i d like you to submit your resignation. trump is 13 years old, vaping is and he did that. i know he s going to do well. a concern among children in i hope he s going to do well and middle school and high school. i wish him well. i can t imagine this is an issue what are you prepared to she would overlook. as these deaths increase, she announce on guns, on background has been very vocal. checks? press secretary stephanie gri i just spoke with senator toomey and senator murphy and senator joe manchin, just had a grishom told us today that this long talk with them just befor