minority report. let s have a concerted cross committee answer here to get some answers which seven months later we still don t have. greta: one reference on 9/15 which was a saturday they changed the talking points and handed them over to ambassador susan rice that went on the sunday morning shows and gave the story that now everyone admits is a foolish one. is there any indication, was she set up or did she know the talking points had been changed? i don t get whether she was sort of a pawn in this or not? i still want to know why secretary of state hillary clinton wasn t on the talk shows. we was the supervisor of ambassador chris stevens and the other three. susan rice wrote an op ed saying sect remember clinton had a rough week which is an interesting way to put it for somebody that is thinking of running for president. this seems to me to be related, however, to the tragedy that we just saw in boston because what the changing of the talking points reflected as well as the
sometimes it doesn t happen and there is no it punishment if it doesn t happen. they sit open for months and years and the government is paying money. greta: paying money to ourselves. which then is spent to administer the depository. money that goes out the door. greta: it is waste. say you are the department of agriculture and you have given out a grant you are spending the money that you got from congress to do something else with to help farmers have, spending that maintain a bank a account that has zero in it. it goes to the health and human services department. they spend it on salaries and contractors. running the bigger system ha that has a piece of it just empty. greta: 890 this year. how much did we spend in 2011? $2 million in 2011. the government accountability office did a survey back then and found out it was $2 million. the number has gone down. the obama administration made an effort to close out a lot.
security of our country than an ideology that blinds them to the reality of the threat of international terror. greta: i wish the democrats would put out a report because they complain about this report. if this report is bad because it is a stunning shocking report i think we ought to see what the other side is and if they don t speak up and don t put one out that in essence says that the republican one is, correct. their silence would speak volumes. still, it is better to have a select committee with republicans and democrats on it. let s get the issues out. if people disagree let s have two different reports and let the people decide. greta: indeed. agreed. ambassador, thank you, sir. thank you. greta: tomorrow the george w. bush presidential library and museum will be dedicated. it is on the campus of southern methodist university of dallas. all four living ex-presidents and president obama will be at the ceremony. today bret baier interviewed george bush. here is what th
the republican party is leaderless. not the first time we were leaderless nor will it be the last time. pretty soon the party will start coalescing around somebody to be our lead,er. i wish his name was jeb. he would be a lead are. whether or not he chooses to run is not my choice. he had the benefit of seeing his brother and father run for office and he knows it as personal decision to make. pie point is parties my point is parties go in cycles and soon there will be a leader of both parties and the fundamental question is will they be able to unite the different elements behind a mission and philosophy that says give me a chance to govern and people s lives will get better. greta: you can seat rest of the interview with president bush and former first lady
public defender appointed. a federal public defender is going to take the case. i think the federal public defender will probably work out a plea deal if the evidence it is a it has been reported is what we think it is. i think this guy will get a life kind of an offer because of his age. i mean if loffner gets a life offer why doesn doesn t this t one? greta: pipes down his throat and needles in his arm, everything is going on. he doesn t know you and you say i m here to help you. yes. first thing you tell a client. i was actual lay public defender that is how i started and the first thing you tell a client is look first thing you say is read my book. you tell them there is always trip trepidation because you are a public defender and they are not paying.