went down that night, greta. thank you. zimmerman s lawyers taking heat for their questioning of trayvon martin s parents. the defense team went too far while cross examining martin s mother. you certainly would hope that your son trayvon martin did nothing what was your question again? you hope as a mom, you certainly hope that your son, trayvon martin would not have done anything that would have led to his own death, correct? what i hope for, is that this would have never happened and he would still be here. that s what upsets my dealing with the reality that he s no longer here, is certainly your hope as a mom, hold out hope as long as you can, that trayvon martin was in no way responsible for his own death, correct? i don t believe he was. that s the hope that you
this is a fair trial? well, she understands that and we explained to her, one of the good things, greta, is the fact that she has our legal team around her. we explained to her that the state has the case, and the state is carrying the burden. in carrying the burden, they have put on enough evidence to present their case. now, the decision as to how much they put on is entirely their decision. obviously they put on enough evidence that they were able to get a direct verdict in this case. it s rare a defense ever wins a summary judgment acquittal, as you say. when she was on the witness stand, did she think she was treated with respect? does she have any sort of complaints about the way she s been treated in the courtroom? well, no, i think let me divide it up, i think that the way the system is treating her, the law enforcement, the
was consistent, the evidence was consistent with what was said by george zimmerman in the videos, he also said it was consistent with trayvon martin backing away. but your thought that s very interesting greta. many new york courts would not let us testify about consistent with, because consistent with could be 1% consistent or 99% consistent. it s like saying possibly. we can t give as experts possibly evidence. we have to say beyond usually our mantra is beyond a reasonable medical certainty which is above 51%. we believe it happened this way, more than 51%. in this instant when dr. de mayo talks about consistent with trayvon lying over him, it could also be consistent with zimmerman pulling up trayvon on the ground on his back, pulling
question your sanity. you need to stop watching these people because they re in the going to change. that has become limbaugh told listeners to stop watching fox. i did not tell anyone to stop watching fox. i said stop listening to these people that make you so mad what. else am i going to say? i don t watch people that make me mad anymore. i gave that up years ago. what is the point? i told tony they re not going to change. they re there to tick you off. don t let it get to you. just so you know this whole drummed up thing with fox and me is all media reporting on it i m encouraging people to do that it s bs. greta van sustren anymore tie you want to come on my show and talk, whatever you want, feel free. make sure you go to gretawire.com. don ting for receipt to open
question your sanity. you need to stop watching these people because they re in the going to change. that has become limbaugh told listeners to stop watching fox. i did not tell anyone to stop watching fox. i said stop listening to these people that make you so mad what. else am i going to say? i don t watch people that make me mad anymore. i gave that up years ago. what is the point? i told tony they re not going to change. they re there to tick you off. don t let it get to you. just so you know this whole drummed up thing with fox and me is all media reporting on it i m encouraging people to do that it s bs. greta van sustren anymore tie you want to come on my show and talk, whatever you want, feel free. make sure you go to gretawire.com.