be the down payment on their next house, car or pay college or something like that it is so outrageous that the people who are responsible who assume these jobs to run the government they volunteer we don t draft people. here s a lesson for people watching. don t over pay your taxes. a lot of people like to get that refund check in april. greta: it is a little late for that exactly. this is a time when you don t wanna do that you may not get your money back in april. this is a recurring problem for a lot of states. my message to people watching in california, new york greta: move to missouri. do not have too much withheld from your paycheck. former governor crist in the miding of a bear knuckle race. next, governor crist talks about back waxing what? we ll let the governor explain.
legitimate chances for republicans to pick up seats. where there are lots of open house seats and he s gonna try to mobilize the base and encourage these guys in tough races to stay with him. the idea that obama is trying to sell to his folks. he s not talking to independents, conservatives, republicans, he s talking to the base. greta: is this is a campaign or to sell health care? health care is about reassuring members that it is not going to hurt them politically. he s trying to say in 94 when clinton failed we didn t get it done. as a result our base was not energized because we failed. unless we pass this, our people will be dissatisfied, they will be depressed, as a result you are going to lose your election. even though you may not like what we are doing this is only your only chance to save your
greta: was he really forced out? investigating someone is not forcing someone out. he s being investigated. i understand he s obviously under a lot of pressure. all these bizarre stories about rahm emanuel. i don t know. greta: the nakedness in the shower. we got that on hannity. thank you. i really don t need to go through that there s some bizarre stories out there. the bottom line is he could have stayed, made them get the extra vote and hid in his office. then resigned after the health care vote. so, what he s doing is complaining about the people and helping them as he leaves, which makes no sense. greta: let s switch gears and clean it up a little. your state, pennsylvania. today president obama went there to sell the message on health care. why think he went there? i think he s going to a lot of key states, pennsylvania big governor s race, big senate race, eight legit
opportunity in this campaign to have an educational opportunity to make sure voters get it right and they get most importantly the truth that s what our campaign is gonna be about. we re again that tell the truth about our record and our opponent s record and people will make the decision. i have great confidence in the wisdom of the people. greta: it would make a difference to me with the use of the credit card i understand he paid it back. did he a i pay it back before or after he got caught? after he got caught that is like saying i m going to steal something if you don t catch me i ll never pay back. if you catch me i ll pay it back. he lists his network on his last financial statement at $8,000. he already said he paid back $16,000 then another $3,000, a total of $20,000. if his net worth is only $8,000 how is he paying back $20,000? whose money is he using now do
appears. most important news all the al groups participated the. sunnies did not boycott. even muqtada al-sadr encouraged his people to vote. we have difficult counting, difficult coalition building, one more brick in the wall toward a sustain able system. greta: ahmadinejad has tried to interview as much as he could in iraq. what do you think he s thinking? i think he s gonna do what tech make sure the government that emerges from the coalition negotiations is as favorable to iran as he can get it. one of the most significant aspects of this election is nationalist parties that are not strictly shia or strictly sunni or kurd, to have more or less what we have in this country, more philosophical differences than religious or ethnic differences. greta: the ones who don t