Folse and his wife, Leann, decommission flags that are removed and replaced twice a year from the Avenue of Flags at the cemetery. Fifty 5-by-8-foot flags are flown along with a large 20-by-30-footer.
Dee Folse and his wife, Leann, decommission the flags that are removed and replaced twice a year from the Avenue of Flags at Miramar National Cemetery.
Oxygen Art Centre is excited to announce the opening of dig a hole in the garden, a duo exhibition featuring artists Shannon Garden-Smith (Tkaronto/Toronto) and T'uy't'tanat-Cease Wyss (Skwxwu7mesh/Sto:Lo/Hawaiian/Swiss) on Saturday, June 11, 2022. Taking its name from Yoko Ono’s CLOUD PIECE (1963), dig a hole in the garden is an exhibition that explores plant collection as a