christian amanpour. are your competitive juices flowing for your chance to be the first female president of the united states? of america? you can see why she s an experienced journalist. of amer? you can see why she s an experienced journalist. of amer? you can see why she s an experienced journalist. then it was here in this studio where the former secretary of state sat down and brett and greta. angela merkel is very upset that we were bugging her phone. should she be? yes. that was absolutely uncalled for. at one point you write the obama campaign after john mccain selected sarah palin, that they called you to issue something that was dismissive of her and you said no. that s right. i did. i do believe sexism is still a problem. it s not just in politics, it s in journalism and business and all kinds of human endeavors in our country. but brett s decision to spend
a good chunk of his time drew flack from some anchors at msnbc. the first, count them, eight questions, eight questions were about benghazi. brett asked 15 total, 12 directly were about benghazi. if the fox professionals who picked up this can t lay a glove on glinton, how does is that going to be? joining us now, lauren ashburn, a fox news contributor and former usa today executive who hosts social buzz on the woikt. rick gronell and craig crawford, founder of the trail mix blog and a former columnist for cq. so it seems like brett and greta and fox are getting it from both sides, too hard or too soft is in the interview. and the is most surprising was negative discussion from conservatives going after both of them. we had some people who wrote