SIR – Encouraging as it is to see greater diversity in some ways in the new Cabinet (report, September 7), there is a clear impression of a lack of cognitive diversity, as Liz Truss has chosen to surround herself with like-minded friends and allies.
SIR – The folly of Britain’s myopic drive for “diversity” and equality is well illustrated by the discrimination against hard-working, high-achieving, middle-class pupils in favour of “disadvantaged” students and those from overseas (report, August 16).
SIR – Charles Moore’s description of the Prime Minister’s early actions as “transformative” reminded me of what was said about Tony Blair following his success in the general election of 1997.
SIR – As an ex-Cold War warrior, though a non-combatant, I am shocked to learn that France, Germany and others have sold sophisticated arms and military supplies to Russia.