Studies will determine the feasibility of turning about 2,300-acres of farm/ranch land in South Dakota into a storage battery for wind and solar energy. According to Joni Livingston of Missouri River Energy Services, the Gregory.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency Project No. 14876-002 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE LICENSE APPLICATION, FILING OF PRE APPLICATION DOCUMENT (PAD), COMMENCEMENT OF ILP PRE FILING PROCESS, AND SCOPING; REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON THE PAD AND SCOPING DOCUMENT, AND IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUES AND ASSOCIATED STUDY REQUESTS (August 19, 2022) a. Type of Filing: Notice of Intent to File License Application for an Original License and Commencing Pre-filing Process b. Project No.: 14876-002 c. Dated Filed: June 28, 2022 d. Submitted By: Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (Western Minnesota Power) e. Name of Project: Gregory County Pumped Storage Project f. Location: The project would be located in Gregory and Charles Mix Counties, South Dakota. The project would use Lake Francis Case, which is formed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) Fort Randall Dam at river mile 880 on the Missouri River, as its lower reservoir. The