This Starbridge Academy production, part of the educational component of Bemidji Community Theater, is composed of 25 thespians all under the age of 18.
"The Music Man" is the first production to be performed at the Bemidji Community Theater’s location in the former Book World store in downtown Bemidji.
The Bemidji Community Theater has made every effort to maintain its mission while actual stages remain dark.
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Pioneer Staff Report | 4:28 pm, Jan. 28, 2021 ×
The Bemidji Community Theater is offering a series of virtual academy courses, including “An Introduction to Shakespeare,” “Out of the Box,” and “My Best Audition Ever.”
BEMIDJI Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has stopped live theater in its tracks, the Bemidji Community Theater has continued to contribute to the region.
By crafting more than 1,500 masks and giving them to people in need, taping four “Old Time” radio programs to air on RP Broadcasting stations, having family groups caroling live in their window downtown, and producing “Christmas with the Cratchits” live on Facebook, BCT has made every effort to maintain its mission while actual stages remain dark.