behavior could change the ecosystem. i am so tired of the ecosystem. ecosystem sucks. let s see if it has an affect on tim tam the turtle. how did it affect you? tote totally radical. tim tam is extreme skateboarding. is this a bad thing, good thing, or a thing thing? i think it is a thing, thing, greg. well, reading the story, i have to be honest, i learned a lot about myself and i am starting to think i am insensitive because i was hearing there is shrimp or anti-depress accepts in the water and going toward the light and killing themselves. then i kept thinking, my god. i am starving. i don t care if they killed itself. i would love to dip it in butter and bury it in cocktail
that s not racist at all. jaime, what do you make of this? are you surprised by the situation as it unfolds before you? i tell you, first of all, greg states have a right to protect their own borders. i heard somebody say that earlier on tv and i thought i would repeat it as if i thought of it. two things about this surprise me. literally the fact that obama will waste more of our money trying to stop them from enforcing something they could legally enforce, and the other thing that surprises me is that people are trying to get into alabama and michigan. i was surprised by nebraska which was basically surrounded by a bunch of states. that s the state motto. we are surrounded by a bufn of other states. come by a bunch of other states. come visit. i think i just showed my talents. bill, i want you to insult all of those state in alphabet tall order. i will, and i want to get to something, and you know what i m talking about.
have happened under his watch. it sucks. you have the housing market collapsing. you have unemployment. you have the bp oil spill. you have jersey shore came out. i don t know if it is a coincidence, but it does appear as if he has not done anything great or not done anything significant to change those things. i don t know if i blame him, but i don t see anything really, really impressive. i m afraid if things keep going the way they are going, his approval rating will eventually just be down to michelle obama. interesting point. matt, the financial reform bill they will tout as a success. he did pass it, but he passed it with the house and the senate behind him, and nobody likes it. wall street guys don t like it, liberals don t like it. who likes it? because nobody read it. it was 2300 pages. who did read it? it says nothing and changes nothing. what he can say, greg is i