the leftists are finding their innerstalin. you talk about targeting people. under the same law you say he broke? yeah. interfering in campaign finance to influence elections. didn t, as greg points out, the irs do exactly that, interfering with political groups to influence the election? the special prosecutor said nothing to see here. you can put it off on all kinds of people. the facts are the facts are the facts. if he can prove the facts, he has broken the law, and a serious breach of the law. we need to go. up next, this new york times magazine cover is generating a lot of heat. why can t the left-wing media eclipse their bias for planet hillary? we ll debate that later. and lots of reaction to bob s gangster get-up from yesterday. who does he think he is? tony soprano. we ll reetd some of the best feedback from our facebook page up next on the five.
. these girls, check out this amazing video of 9-year-old cousins named flame brewer and rose pal, they became the youngest wing-walking formation team. so why in the world would they do this? we wanted to raise awareness for the charity, which raises money for a disease called muscular dystrophy. would they ever do it again? here is what they say. i am really glad i did it, i probably would not do it for charity, i would probably do something else for charity. okay, greg, would you wing walk for charity?
part, older people, i don t think we can understand it. i think the younger people, it is so much ingrained in their lives, how much they talk with it. that it doesn t make sense to us, for either news gathering or to make fun of their co-hosts. i don t think it is strange, not in her mind. in her mind? where is her attorney in this situation can you imagine a couple of hours after watching your family burn in a building after being murdered, being able to talk about it? greg, you have lots of sisters. so true. you have seen them interact with many different kinds of men. that is so true. what this story says to me is that young girls misunderstand the interests and cues of older men. you have to understand that a grown man is never interested in your mind. watch the film cape fear max
i really don t think that is fair. i understand that is an international incident. it is an extremely unfortunate incident. but as greg points out, crime has been cut since 1992. it is important to see it is a gang problem. we see shootings like that happening in gangs, all over the country, mostly in bigger cities. but we do see these things happening in smaller communitying communityingcommunityi communities. why are gangs not the crips and the bloods not seen as hate groups? because they essentially hate each other, crips don t like bloods, and bloods don t like crips? well, more likely they re engaged in warfare over drugs, dana doesn t like the hate crime
this is the white problem. you know, i heard this last night. i m driving, listening to this. when that last part when the cops come in and secure the scene, and katey, the emotion pours out, i m literally in tears listening to this. she held her composure through 32 minutes of that, and the final scene. an amazing example of how to keep your cool. ms. tuff is a very tuff lady, to put it that way. but i think her reaction may be helpful to the mental health communities. because what happened, i agree with greg, probably 100% of the time this is a very rare case where nothing happened. but in the mental health community we can treat people with more love and dignity and they can get better, in addition to the medication they have to take. the problem we have, it would be nice to have a well armed, trained person in every school. sure it would be, but who will