I have been in jobs where, many times, one worked around the clock, skipped weekends and missed important personal and family engagements to accomplish something important. It is outrageous that the speaker of the House does not have the same sense of responsibility and accountability.
How positively droll that I, among others, have been caught out! I am a card-carrying “sourpuss curmudgeon” who would laugh at the offered choices for a city “mascot,” if the slate and idea weren’t so tragically misplaced. I worked in economic development and have an idea what well represents a place and what doesn’t. The image implied by the current suite of misanthropic exorcism products makes me gag. Why would anyone feel good about living where his or her city is characterized through a voodoo bauble emblazoned on stationery, signs, and posters that makes Sponge Bob Square Pants look like a wall in the Metropolitan Museum of Art?