ack to dateline. keith morrison: hour after hour, kathy carpenter talked to the detectives investigating the murder of her friend, nancy pfister. keith morrison: she was alone with them. she could have asked for an attorney. she did not. she told the detective she didn t need a lawyer because she was innocent. but as kathy went on and on, those detectives became more and more sure she killed her friend nancy or helped at least. keith morrison: the question now, was kathy trying to frame the stylers. at first blush, it certainly looked that way. and yet, the more they thought about it, the more unlikely it seemed.
a bit late, got a lawyer, greg greer. this has been one of the more frightening experiences of my career to represent a person who is so totally and completely innocent. keith morrison: as greer and the lawyers representing the stylers waded through the evidence, trying to sort out who did what, it became pretty clear, to them at least, that the truth about what happened in that bedroom on buttermilk mountain was still very much hidden. we were all wrong about what happened. i mean, everybody was wrong in this case. keith morrison: coming up wrong about what, or about whom? i started praying that the truth would be revealed. that s what i wanted is the truth to be revealed. keith morrison: when dateline continues. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation and last for weeks. it can make your workday feel impossible.
difficult she was to oh, heavens, no. no, not at all. keith morrison: nancy was her best friend, she said. i loved her. keith morrison: yeah. she was i love nancy pfister. keith morrison: that s why she sat through all those hours of interrogation without a lawyer, she said. she wanted to help them understand the truth. like, for example, how it wasn t at all suspicious that she knew right away it was nancy in that closet. you know, the odor just about knocked me over. and to me, it was very apparent that that wasn t just a pile of clothes in the closet. who else but nancy would be in that closet. so you weren t a complete idiot. you understood that it had to be nancy. right, who else would it be? keith morrison: and when she so quickly fingered the stylers, she said, it was just common sense. they were in the house. you knew that they were pretty mad at nancy. they were mad. they were upset with her. keith morrison: but what about those suspicious little details, like saying she saw
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