January 29, 2021 1:32 pm
CUMBERLAND, R.I. (WLNE) As Phase 2 of Rhode Island’s vaccine distribution plan are announced, cities across the state are receiving initial doses of the vaccine to begin giving shots to the elderly.
In Cumberland, the Emergency Services Agency is rolling out their doses by picking which residents get that first round based on where they live.
“Since word got out, there’s a lot of interest,” John Pilakas, Chief of Cumberland EMS said.
Pilakas said Cumberland is unique in that they have a robust community health program. Inside their EMS center, they have a room full of supplies and COVID testing equipment. They also have a fridge stocked with non-COVID vaccines and are ready to accept the first 140 doses they were allotted next week.
Friday, January 29, 2021
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Friday’s GoLocal vaccination update provides the most up-to-date information and data on the Rhode Island vaccination program as well as emerging national and global developments.
Just a few hours after Warwick announced that it was taking registrations for a community vaccination for those over 75+, Mayor Frank Picozzi s office announced that all slots were taken.
“I just wanted to inform you the registration for this early phase-out of the COVID-19 vaccine plan for those living in Warwick and who are 75 and older, has been FILLED. The link went live at 2:01 and by 2:31 all 390 slots were booked. Just wanted to let you know,” wrote Picozzi’s spokeswoman Liz Tufts