A New Surge in the Executive State and the Regulatory State
A second major change that has taken place has been the surge in executive and regulatory power across the nation. This also reflects what happened during the original New Deal. As noted by Garet Garret at the time, the transformation of the US into an executive-dominated regime is one of the primary characteristics of the New Deal. What had once been three separate branches, with a dominant legislative branch, the
new regime was something else. Now, he pointed out, laws are routinely created within the executive branch itself, and interpreted by administrative law judged within the same branch. The old checks and balances had disappeared.
January 06, 2021
Andrew Metrick: Thanks a lot for joining us today, Paul. We appreciate it. You’re a great citizen for us at Yale. I want to ask you some questions about what we’ve learned over this last year on your topics of expertise.
First, markets were overwhelmed by transaction flows as the COVID crisis began last spring. In response, some have called for the Federal Reserve to establish a broad repurchase facility to help finance the intermediation of such flows. Others have suggested a shift to central clearing of Treasury trades to ease market pressures in times of stress. What do you see as the best approach for avoiding such periods of market dysfunction in the future?