Posted By: Nicole Rodriguez December 31, 2020 @ 9:53 am Local News, News
The Greene County Collector and the Greene County Assessor’s Personal Property Department will temporarily close their offices to walk-in traffic for three days.
The offices will be closed from Monday, January 4 through Wednesday, January 6 to address some of the technical issues impacting this year’s tax assessments and tax statements.
You can still pay your taxes online at
Here’s more on the closings:
In an effort to best utilize the time and resources needed to address ongoing technical issues impacting this year’s tax assessments and tax statements, Greene County Collector Leah Betts and Greene County Assessor Rick Kessinger are advising residents their offices will temporarily close to walk-in traffic for three days.
Greene County’s total property valuation will see a slight increase in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, but not all owners will see their property’s worth rise in 2021. The Greene County Assessor’s Office Real Estate Coordinator, Pam Olerich, presented the county supervisors with the latest evaluations during their meeting Monday morning. Total valuations increased by 2.12 percent. When broken down, rural properties increased by 3.02 percent, but urban ones dropped by 0.15 percent. She says the urban decrease is due to multiple property owners, most from within the City of Jefferson, appealing their FY20 appraisals.
Olerich says the 2.12 percent total increase is on the lower end of what they would anticipate in a normal year, but she says they are pleased with the gain considering the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, she believes the supervisors will have difficult decisions to make as they work through the budgeting process.