The new year is in full swing as Sutherlin and Winston looked back on their 2023 highlighting completed city projects, infrastructure improvements and several new hires.
Dallas McCalvy was born on May 30, 1944, in Muskegon, Michigan, to Howard and Margaret McCalvy and passed away peacefully at his home in Roseburg, Oregon, on Nov. 20, 2023.
Oregon s special election Tuesday, May 18, 2021 included numerous school board races and local funding measures.
Credit Melorie Begay / KLCC
Lane County Special Election results
In unofficial results, a levy to renew funding for OSU Lane County Extension has been approved by voters in Tuesday s special election. A levy to fund the Lane Fire Authority is also passing.
A measure to create a special law enforcement district in the Mohawk Valley looks too close to call as of Tuesday night with 51% against it and 48% in favor.
And a bond for the McKenzie School District looks to be in question with 57% voting no.