Andrew Mackenzie, CEO of the Scottish Arbitration Centre, has been appointed as co-chair of the Campaign for Greener Arbitration’s European Committee. The Campaign for Greener Arbitration (CGA) is an initiative that seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of international arbitrations through beh
Environmental impacts of arbitrations
Pursuant to an initial study, the carbon emission of a medium-large scale arbitration needs to be offset by around 20,000 trees, equivalent to four times the number of trees in Hyde Park, London or all of the trees in Central Park, New York City. The main contributors to these negative environmental impacts include the travel journeys by air, trains and cars, stays in hotel, printing of documents and use of disposable coffee cups.
Campaign for Greener Arbitrations
The Campaign was founded in 2019 by Lucy Greenwood, an international arbitrator. The Campaign is intended to raise awareness of the significant carbon footprint incurred in the process of international arbitrations, and aims to reduce the adverse environmental impacts by managing arbitrations in a sustainable way.