24 September 2023 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie The Green Party Representative for Cork City South East, Honore Kamegni, believes not enough is being done to inform any legally resident migrant over the age of 18 that they can vote in next year's local elections. Speaking of his experience while canvassing in Cork City South East,…
19 September 2023 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie This Saturday, members of the public are encouraged to come to town on Saturday without their cars for Cork City's first car free day. It is a step in the right direction and one that is long overdue. It is the Green Party in Cork's ambition to see…
INHABITANTS of mid and west Cork needn’t expect an overnight return to the glory days of a rail service to Macroom, Bandon, Skibbereen and Bantry and other towns outside of Cork City.
Inhabitants of mid and west Cork needn’t expect an overnight return to the glory days of a rail service to Macroom, Bandon, Skibbereen and Bantry and other towns outside of Cork City.