In its Energy Outlook 2023, BP states that the upheaval caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will push countries to pursue greater energy security over the next decade, with oil and gas consumption declining faster than predicted previously. [Gas in Transition, Volume 3, Issue 2]
wyoming, montana and north dakota to get the minerals you immediate, as you said, for our electric vehicles, for our cell phones. so it s a security issue, it s a human rights issue, it is an economic issue, and the biden administration s got it completely wrong. griff: steve, it seems like a public relations issue and a bad one at that because you essentially have the green energy push now depending wholeheartedly it appears in this case on country, in case the congo, that allows these horrific abuses. yeah. look, everyone should shuledder at the thought shudder at the thought of a 9 or 10-year-old having to be in these the mines. it really is outrageous. and as i said, why aren t we doing it here in the united states? why aren t and using american miners and much better, you know, human rights situations griff: yeah. much better wages for the
Once again, the Trump and Biden administrations have proven that federal agencies that were initially established to protect American consumers are nothing more than conduits for deep state [.]