Good morning. Madam secretary, i will keep my comments brief. Congratulations to director huey who participated in the City Administrators Office on school reisraelience in september. Insuring seismic safety to our schools and remains a top priority for the city. The big one ed donnelly who manages the Response Unit and Senior Engineer and the plan review supervisor participated in the recent Conference Call with portland, oregon, building officials to Exchange Best Practices on the respective citys Emergency Response and preparations. He is eager to accept taken by San Francisco such as the seismic retrofits of the apartments, safety assessments to provide damage assessments and reoccupancy timelines and effective Emergency Response plan with key personnel prepared to act. With earthquakes near bakers field they need to get ready for the next one. That is top priority for all cities and residents. Keep focused on that. Big thank you to joe duffy and kevin who received letter from appr
Opportunity to expand. How do we accomplish that . How do i take care of my family . How do i invest in this city, when i cant even invest in my own home. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im jennifer fever with the San Francisco tenants union. So the easiest way to protect tenants and affordable rents to keep them housed in the first place. Its been a very frustrating few years for us. Weve had a bunch of tenants come to us worried about losing their homes during extensive renovations. So we started experimenting with filing d. R. S and weve learned a lot about the Planning Department and their process. Most surprising to me the planning staff had no directive to consider how permits affect existing tenants. The planning code is written so narrowly, they can claim to have hamstrung rather than considering humans in their plans. Tenants are 65 of the population. We should matter. I challenge the architects in this room to hold the public forum about their role in our disp
Madam secretary, i will keep my comments brief. Congratulations to director huey who participated in the City Administrators Office on school reisraelience in september. Insuring seismic safety to our schools and remains a top priority for the city. The big one ed donnelly who manages the Response Unit and Senior Engineer and the plan review supervisor participated in the recent Conference Call with portland, oregon, building officials to Exchange Best Practices on the respective citys Emergency Response and preparations. He is eager to accept taken by San Francisco such as the seismic retrofits of the apartments, safety assessments to provide damage assessments and reoccupancy timelines and effective Emergency Response plan with key personnel prepared to act. With earthquakes near bakers field they need to get ready for the next one. That is top priority for all cities and residents. Keep focused on that. Big thank you to joe duffy and kevin who received letter from appreciation from
We have tom huey, dan and i think that is it. We have three year terms for all of our renewing members. If i had you in the wrong category, i do apologize. We appreciate your service. I will call the question then. We will do a roll call vote to approval all members of the code advisory committee. roll call . The motion carries unanimously. Would you all please come forward. Foe the oath of office i, state your name, do solemnly swear, that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of california, against all enemies foreign and domest domestic. That i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the United States. And the constitution of the state of california. That i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion. And that i will well and fate fe fully discharge did duties upon which i am about to enter, and during such times as a hold the office of a member of the code advisory
Baths on one level to have a more functional layout. They would like a more modern esthetics. The parents have expressed interest in relocating from vancouver to be with them to assist in the childminding as she transitions back to work. In order for them to do this, they would like to build a master suite on the ground level behind the garage. They will need to negotiate the size and the scale of their expansion obviously with their neighbors, however, as i am sure you can appreciate, this is different than being exposed to the Legal Process of a conditional use. In closing, i respectfully request that the commission make a recommendation that allows meaningful expansions and demolitions as a permitted use and eliminates the restrictions to size or mapping. We all know how hard it is to achieve planning approval for these home additions. Why are we making it harder for these families . The process is already way too difficult. We need an easier, more transparent process. T nex thank y