More than $1 billion for UW System buildings and funds for Milwaukee state office building. //end headline wrapper ?>Site of the new state office building. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.
Tony Evers‘ latest capital budget would spend almost $2.4 billion on new building projects around the state, with more than $1 billion of that going toward projects at the University of Wisconsin System.
The capital budget would also fund a new office building in Milwaukee, plan for a new office building in Madison, and build new facilities to treat juvenile offenders once the Lincoln Hills juvenile prison is closed.
“The capital budget is an investment in the up-keep of our infrastructure for longevity and public safety and in the future we want to build for our state,” Evers said in a statement introducing the plan.
Thompson pushes discussions to consolidate some two-year colleges and voc-tech institutions. //end headline wrapper ?>Tommy Thompson. Photo courtesy of the UW System.
With declining enrollment and fewer state dollars to work with, University of Wisconsin System interim President
Tommy Thompson says it’s time to think about consolidating some two-year UW campuses with nearby technical colleges.
Thompson first mentioned the idea of consolidating UW System and Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) campuses during a Jan. 26 webinar hosted by the nonpartisan Wisconsin Policy Forum. He said a number of communities around the state have two-year UW branch campuses and technical colleges, and that taxpayers would wonder why they have both.
UW System Interim President Tommy Thompson proposed the idea of consolidating UW System campuses and Wisconsin technical colleges to boost enrollment and retain money.
Among the items on Tommy Thompsonâs to-do list as interim president of the University of Wisconsin System are managing a pandemic on 26 campuses, dealing with a financial crisis and leading the System through what may be the most challenging budget session in recent memory.
Thompson has added another item to his agenda, one that could reshape public higher education in Wisconsin: Exploring the possibility of consolidation between the Systemâs branch campuses and Wisconsin Technical College System institutions.
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