and conservatives, of course,f . we believe in the rule of we t believe our constitution is the bedrock of our whole founding fathers, our process, our democracy. she could care less about any of that. but, you know, she s goinge pr right along with theog progressive agenda. what are the democrats the progressives want to do? they re the ones who wanted toad attacko? justice kavanaugh. they re the ones who call the supreme court illegitimate. . if they don t rule in their favor, they re the ones thatne go after republicans liks maxine waters telling everyone to come after all of us iney a our homes and everything we do, they re also tha the ones who sy they re going to move out of the country if they lose the election. soy lose hopefully they ll keepn saying that and they ll be goneg in twenty , twenty four and they ll actually follow throughs on that. but it s ridiculous. we would getno credibility. and yet we would get totally abused as conservatives if we said otives we sr at