The upshot is that references in the Qur'an to the "Holy Spirit," "Allah's spirit," "Spirit," or the like are not references to Allah as Allah, but are references either .
Pope Francis explained faith is like fire, not a lullaby. The fire of faith should spur us to conversion, not lull us into complacency, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address Sunday. In
O Jesus Christ, Messiah and Lord, grant me joyful acceptance of the surgery which awaits me, and let this be the relief and cure which I seek. Make skilled the work of the surgeon and that of his team for it is unto their knowledge and skill that I give myself for healing. I pray .
The daily readings are taken from the lectionary which divides much of the Bible into three years worth of readings. If you complete the daily readings each day for three years, you will read 15 percent of the Old Testament and 71 percent of the New Testament.