Jehovah s Witnesses are well-known for proselytizing door-to-door and handing out their literature on city streets. Less known to the general public, their adherents have been required for the past century
Prepare for the unimaginable as the Antichrist seeks to lead humanity astray. The prophesied Great Tribulation is upon us, and the messages from Heaven urge us to stay faithful and focused. Discover the vital role of Catholics and the power of the Holy Rosary in these turbulent times. Amidst the challenges, be aware of the dangers and temptations that lie ahead. Find out what the Blessed Mother and credible Catholic mystics have to say about the battle for our souls, the changing climate, new diseases, and the need for unwavering faith. Stay informed and stay strong. Read more now.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are well-known for proselytizing door-to-door and handing out their literature. Since 1920, their adherents have been required to report to their congregation’s leaders how many hours they put
"Pumpkins and Pilgrims" against a backdrop of Satan’s never-ending, wicked debauchery. The two just don’t go comfortably together, and thus we scratch our heads in an effort to reconcile both of these sworn enemies.