"The U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation is directly related to the rise of ISIS," Zaid al-Ali, former adviser to the U.N. mission in Iraq, told Newsweek.
African Union member-states are facing a critical conjuncture as the looming threats of global conflict against imperialism threatens world peace Analytical Review Note: These remarks were prepared and delivered in part to a webinar entitled “AFRICOM, Corporate Dominance, Neo-Colonialism: How Do People Assert Their Humanity and Choices.” The event was…
Although formal European rule in Africa ended in 1977 when Djibouti was given independence from France, Western companies have continued to extract the continent's resources unabated - and when a nationalist leader does get in the way, Western.
When Muammar Gaddafi declared the Great Socialist People s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in 1977, he invented a new way for the people to govern themselves. Not through democracy and the ballot box, but by w.