The category is booming, as seen in the wide variety of manga and manga-influenced titles in the upcoming season, including newly translated classics, contemporary dramas, dark fantasy and SF, and LGBTQ memoir.
(October 12, 2022) – Seven Seas Entertainment is excited to announce the license acquisition of the manga series The Great Snake s Bride by Fushiashikumo..
Manga launch in May-July 2023 // Seven Seas announced on Twitter on Wednesday that it has licensed A Story of Seven Lives, The Great Snake s Bride, and Last.
Written in Mexico 1952 but not published until 1959, Dr. Sax is Jack Kerouac’s most enigmatic novel. Incorporating themes from New England heroes Melville and Hawthorne, Kerouac revisits boyhood scenes in Lowell, Mass., in rich, hallucinogenic prose. The narrative’s unifying event is the Flood of 1936, when the Great Snake of the Merrimac River swelled to record levels and inundated the mills, homes, businesses and lives of the working-class city. Dr. Sax is an acquired taste, and Cat de Leon, who grew up years later in Lynn, not far from Lowell, acquired it early on. She explains why it’s as important a part of Kerouac’s ‘legend’ as Visions of Cody.