the flipping plus one strategy depose not work nearly as well the other way. look, the democrats can spend a billion dollars on advertising next campaign. no paid advertising beats word of mouth advertising. that s a marketing fact. if you believe our democracy is at stake it s just not good enough to vote in the next eek. come to the 2020 voting party as a plus one. you ve got 20 months. i give you the tools to engage. go get a vote. get to work. next time joe is in town i m buying him a beer and call him brother and get to work on my plus one. may not work. but it s a start. and that does it for tonight on saturday night politics next we can on 8:00 p.m. eastern follow the show be sure to visit our show page on and see you next week. have a great one. you next week. have a great one uh-oh, looks like someone s still nervous about buying a new house. is it that obvious? yes it is. you know, maybe you d worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance.