The middle class contains about half of America, according to the Pew Research Center 50%, to be exact. Another 21% fall into the upper class and 29% are in the lower class. But what is the middle.
Image: iphoto/Adobe Stock Extrusion and light are very much connected. There are three measurable optical properties transmission, haze, and gloss in addition to visible color and measurements outside the visible frequencies.
Eppur si muove.” In 1633, Galileo mumbled those words “Still, it does move” after he publicly accepted the belief of the day that the Earth stands still while the sun moves around it. Under pressure from the authorities, Galileo took back his statement that the Earth moved around the sun, but this famous mumble showed he was just saying what he had to say to belong.
Most everyone by then knew the Earth was round but that didn’t stop the belief that the sun moved. Magellan’s ships proved the roundness more than 100 years before that Magellan himself didn’t make it all the way but everyone was not yet convinced. Some even now think the earth is flat. It goes to show that many people believe what they