Security Alert: Afghanistan, Possible Violence Following Eid
Security Alert - U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan (May 15, 2021)
Event: Historically violence has increased in Afghanistan following the Eid holiday
. Therefore, U.S. citizens are reminded to exercise caution in places where people are known to congregate, including public celebrations, markets, places of worship, and banks. The U.S. government remains concerned that insurgents are intent on targeting foreigners via kidnapping schemes and attacks at locations such as hotels, residential compounds, security checkpoints, government facilities, and airports.
The Embassy reminds U.S. citizens that on April 27, 2021, the Department of State ordered the departure from U.S. Embassy Kabul of U.S. government employees whose functions can be performed elsewhere due to increasing violence and threat reports in Kabul. The Travel Advisory for Afghanistan remains Level 4-Do Not Travel due to crime, terrorism, civi