it starts to take form. before there was the transform app, there was stacks. we have red stacked containers for protein, yellow for carbohydrates and green containers for veggies. he launched it before he met heidi that never seemed to quite get off the ground and drained his bank account and put him deeply into debt. so you ll see versions of stacks in a few other products out on the market now. there s ties between all of those and me. there are people i pitched it to early on and within about a year and a half to two years, it hit the market. what a great learning sense. in so many ways, i mean there are ways that his contracts were structured at the time, if those were still in existence, he never would be free to do what we ve been able to do. never would have learned the lessons. you have to know when you got to cut something off. it was a lesson that taught them a lot about business and how to approach everything they