The departments relationship with Small Businesses that can take part in the sbirsttr program and it encourages the secretary to enter into agreements with the program at the National Science foundation. Our National Labs have been at the cutting edge of Technological Development and we must always ensure that development is in the national interest. A discovery lost in the labs is a discovery wasted. Thats why id like to thank my good friend, mr. Kilmer, for partnering with me in this effort, as well as mr. Fattah and mr. Nunnelee, who were sfounding founding members with me. Chairman smith and chairman lummis as well as Ranking Members johnson and swalwell were also key in this legislation coming together and bringing it to the floor. This is a true bipartisan, bicameral effort and senators have a similar companion bill on the other side of the hill. I encourage my colleagues to support this bill and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the
The delegation will meet with federal judges and prosecutors, district court judges, and attorneys in order to grow their knowledge of our judicial system.