An Efficiency Maine initiative may be changing minds about the energy-saving devices, after testing their stand-alone performance in subzero temperatures.
Some on Peaks Island say a proposal to further restrict short-term rentals in Portland will have an outsized impact on the island and seasonal rentals, though supporters of the referendum say it will add to affordable housing.
The program, running through October, is a collaboration among the Portland Museum of Art, Maine's Bureau of Parks and Lands, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens and Freeport retailer L.L. Bean.
The program, running through October, is a collaboration among the Portland Museum of Art, Maine's Bureau of Parks and Lands, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens and Freeport retailer L.L. Bean.
The program, running through October, is a collaboration among the Portland Museum of Art, Maine's Bureau of Parks and Lands, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens and Freeport retailer L.L. Bean.