The system works with extensive textual data from books, articles, and websites, which allows it to whip up perfect humanoid responses to questions asked by the user.
little scary at the same time. some precaution is widely used. you have this new series that is launching. what can you tell us about it the kingdom of the oceans. the key thing to remember is that it s a true national geographic blue chip natural history series, absolutely fantastic, from everything from emperor penguins in the antarctic to the great blue whale. spectacular wild life, spectacular behavior of natural history. it s what people expect of national geographic. jenna: it sounds like you ve had quite the adventurous life. we look forward to having you back to talk about more of your adventures in the future. thank you. jenna: you can catch the first episode of greg s new show this weekend kingdoms of the oceans at 8:00pm eastern and 10 pacific. jon: kentucky senator rand paul rocking the political world this