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To help Australia adapt to climate change and manage the disasters that come with it, the federal government this week pledged A$600 million towards establishing the National Recovery and Resilience Agency, and $210 million for the Australian Climate Service initiative.
The sizeable investments make sense, as Australia’s threat landscape has changed. Climate change, drought, land clearing, urban growth and other activities have significantly increased the chances of natural hazards and disasters Australia-wide. All of which are costly to recover from.
The new organisations could deliver revolutionary benefits to Australia by better aligning policy and practice in a more agile way that matches the complex set of threats we face.
Shane Stone to lead new National Recovery and Resilience Agency
Shannon Jenkins
Wednesday May 5, 2021
Scott Morrisson and Shane Stone in 2019. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch)
The government will establish a National Recovery and Resilience Agency and an Australian Climate Service to help Australia better prepare for natural disasters and adapt to the changing climate.
Former Northern Territory chief minister Shane Stone has been appointed as coordinator-general of the agency, which will combine the former National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency and the National Bushfire Recovery Agency.
The creation of the agency was recommended by the bushfire royal commission.