'Schoolhouse Rock!' taught kids of the '70s and '80s a lot, from history to science to grammar, in a fun way. Learn about the cartoon at HowStuffWorks.
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Last week my brother texted to ask if my mother-in-law had a kimchi pancake recipe. Sure she does, I replied. But all her recipes are in her head. AND SHE’LL NEVER TELL YOU ANYTHING. The best you can do is assist and observe, which she’ll allow as long as you don’t get on her nerves by asking too many questions. This way she taught me to make kimchi, and japchae, and kimbap, and yumsotang, a soup she’ll batch up once a year, just for me and my father-in-law, simmered with goat shoulder she buys from a farm a couple hours drive from her bland southern Virginia exurban subdivision.