here, matt? i guess so, and he certainly has americans off balance. perhaps he has the russians off balance, too. although this one line in his response was the first time we ve seen him say anything ever negative about putin. he has consistently denied that the 17 intelligence agencies who have concluded the russians were trying to get involved in our elections, he s always said, he says nice things about me i m going to say nice things about him. he s responded in a narcissistic way to putin s flattery and never heard anything like this before and we don t know what to make of it now. alice, i was struck by that language. hoping we don t have to travel an alternate path, because it is different than what donald trump had to say about vladimir putin 16 months of the campaign and up to this point in the transition where he won t even acknowledge russia behind the hack into the dnc, something intelligence officials ale gre s all agreed ? clearly, words alternate path a sign he i