SUNDAY saw the final meeting on the newly formed Point to Point fixture list in Yorkshire as the Zetland and Cleveland came together to stage their meeting at Witton Castle. As with most meetings so far, it was held behind closed doors, with only participants and officials were allowed on the track. Clerk of the course Stuart Gibbon did a fantastic job in this current dry period to produce what everyone described as good ground, however it would be Susan Town s final meeting as she retired as Point to Point Secretary after filling the role for 21 years, and has done a fantastic job in that time.
News Analysis Robert Clark 3/2/2021
Broadband operators can expect higher upstream traffic post-COVID, even as downstream returns to previous levels.
That s one of the lessons from Australia and New Zealand, where the pandemic is mostly contained and lockdowns have been lifted.
Look up: If Australia and New Zealand are anything to go by broadband operators can expect upstream to stay up post-pandemic.
Ray Owen, CTO of NBN Co., said while downstream traffic was returning to where we expected it to be, upstream data volumes were still significantly higher.
There was a residual in the upstream which will remain for quite some time as people are still working from home. there s been a structural change there.