called net neutrality and there were a million people who wrote letters to tell them to do something about it. they boxed up the letters and piled them into cars and dragged them to the headquarters to the fcc in washington asking to write up regulations to keep enter met companies from being able to decide which websites run fast and slow. basically, what you can see and what you can t. those file boxes full of letters were just the beginning of a full on grass roots assault on the fcc lobbying the obama administration to get tough to protect the neutrality of the internet, access to information on the internet. hundreds of people protested outside fcc headquarters day in and out. they camped outside fcc headquarters for weeks. venn actual eventually the head of the fcc came out. they mid a big paper tom
to the headquarters of the fcc in washington. asking the fcc to write up regulations that would keep internet companies from being able to decide which website run fast and which website run slow basically what you can see and what you can t. those file boxes full of letters were just the beginning of what turned out to be a full on grass roots assault on the fcc, lobbying the obama administration to get tough to protect the neutrality of the access. to information on the internet. hundreds of people protested outside fcc headquarters day in and day out. they camped outside of fcc headquarters for weeks. evenly the head of the fcc tom wheeler the guy on the left came down from his office to hear people out. they still kept the pressure on him. made a big paper mache tom wheeler paraded when the held the hearing they stood up and said their piece and get dragged out one by one by security. the grass roots fight to restore